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This is a great place to give more details about me, as the Webmaster. I could give personal information about my family, my job, my education, and my hobbies and interests. I could also include a list of any of my favorite things. Ya, why don't I just follow directions, cause i haven't done that once yet. BECAUSE I'M LAZY, THATS WHY!

The History or Story Behind My Site

Gabe found snn.gr, started http://phonehugs.snn.gr, i said, "sure, it's free" so this site was born.

My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site, topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth. Umm, i mentioned Gabe, and  I am German, so that covers acestory, and, um, I started the A.P.A (anti-prep asociation, running joke that died apparently), So that covers oganization, if school doesn't work. 1285

Email Me!
Go ahead, e-mail me

And it's my Xanga


Now wasn't that educating?